Ahle hadeeth movement What and Why?

The necessity of Ahle hadeeth movement

The piteous condition that the world was facing at the time of the appearance of the last Prophet Muhammad (sm), the present condition of the world is not less bitter than that by any means. For that reason, in the present explosive situation of the world, when humanity is being shattered heavily, when the materialistic philosophies for their inherent weakness are being proved a failure and when the whole world is eagerly awaiting a peaceful idealogy; in this very moment, to avail the great responsibility to bring out pure and unmixed feature of Islam before the world, the necessity of Ahle hadeeth movement has been increased manifold than in any other time before.

So, the true followers of Ahle hadeeth movement, remembering their eternal tradition of Jihad, will have to come forward with the spirit of the highest sacrifice. By spreading tides of Da‘wat and Tableeg i.e. invitation andpropagation at home and abroad, people are to be brought back to the original Islam. At last we are inviting Muslims of the world all and particularly the youths to assemble under the banner of unmixed Tawheed and we are making clarion call to run their religious and material life according to the holy Quran and saheeh Hadeeth.